Ministerio de Educacion

Modeling in ethnocomputing: replacing bi-directional flows with recursive emergence

Lachney, Michael; Bennett, Audrey; Appiah, Jorge; Eglash, Ron (2016). Modeling in ethnocomputing: replacing bi-directional flows with recursive emergence. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, 6(1), pp. 219-243 .

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Ethnocomputing is the study of the intersections between culture and computing. In addition to cultural analysis of computing, it also utilizes computing to model artifacts or practices from a given culture. In this essay, we consider three modes of modeling. In the first mode, the knowledge flow is unidirectional: the researcher analyzes indigenous designs and provides a computing model. In the second mode, the knowledge flow is bidirectional with researchers bringing a technical etic (outsider) perspective and informants bringing a cultural emic (insider) perspective. In the third mode, knowledge flow is recursive; there are bidirectional flows nested within other bidirectional flows. Our case study begins with computer simulations of log curves in Adinkra symbols in Ghana. Thus, we show that there are nested flows between nature and the indigenous artisans who model nature’s growth patterns; between our own ethnocomputing simulations and the students and teachers in Ghanaian classrooms; and finally between the history of computing in the West and the implementation of educational technology. Our data indicates that a recursive model that can account for these nested flows better enables researchers to integrate social justice and sustainability with education and research in both social and technical domains.

Tipo de Registro:Artículo
Términos clave:06. Aprendizaje > Procesos cognitivos > Modelización
12. Investigación e innovación en Educación Matemática > Marcos teóricos > Etnomatemática
03. Aula > Recursos didácticos > Recursos informáticos > Software
10. Otras nociones de Educación Matemática > Otro (otras nociones de educación matemática)
03. Aula > Recursos didácticos > Recursos informáticos > Computadores
Nivel Educativo:Educación Secundaria Básica (13-16 años)
Educación Primaria (7-12 años)
Código ID:26423
Depositado Por:Monitor Funes 2
Depositado En:04 Jul 2022 10:53
Fecha de Modificación Más Reciente:04 Jul 2022 10:53

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