Ministerio de Educacion

Quid est ergo rationalitas? Review of Michael Peters’ Wittgenstein, education and the problem of rationality

Rodrigues , João José; Miguel, Antonio; Tamayo, Carolina; Souza, Elizabeth Gomes (2022). Quid est ergo rationalitas? Review of Michael Peters’ Wittgenstein, education and the problem of rationality. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, 12(2), pp. 43-62 .

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This analysis of Michael Peters’ recent book, “Wittgenstein, Education and the Problem of Rationality”, was carried out through a conversation between four characters: Oninitibeci, Iniwataale, Iniwatadigini, and Gobaagadi. Their names correspond, respectively, to the numerals one, two, three and four (“our hand”) in the Kadiweu language, spoken by an indigenous group from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Brazil. The main points, aroused by a collective reading of the book, are spontaneously distributed throughout the conversation as a result of the exchange of views among the partakers. They all have practice in mathematics teaching, or philosophy, and frequently discuss educational issues in the light of Wittgenstein’s texts. It is from this perspective that they raised a number of critical points within Peters’ work. However, it is never too much to remember that the characters maintain ideas independent from each other, so not only they sometimes differ in their evaluations but can also disagree on certain aspects of their readings. The point is that from the heat generated by the dialogical activity springs the conclusion of the importance of Peters’ book and its decisive contribution to decolonial discussions about Wittgenstein and his role in the philosophy of education.

Tipo de Registro:Artículo
Términos clave:03. Aula > Gestión del aula > El discurso
07. Enseñanza > Planificación del profesor > Metodología de enseñanza > Análisis y reflexión sobre la enseñanza
03. Aula > Recursos didácticos > Libros de texto
10. Otras nociones de Educación Matemática > Otro (otras nociones de educación matemática)
Nivel Educativo:Todos los niveles educativos
Código ID:27704
Depositado Por:Monitor Funes 2
Depositado En:29 Jun 2022 18:15
Fecha de Modificación Más Reciente:29 Jun 2022 18:15

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