Ministerio de Educacion

Teaching the topic of money in mathematics classes in primary school

Alpízar, Marianela; Morales-López, Yuri (2019). Teaching the topic of money in mathematics classes in primary school. Acta Scientiae. Revista de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática, 21(5), pp. 102-127 .

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URL Oficial: http://www.periodicos.ulbra.br/index.php/acta


This study analyzes the teaching of the topic of money in mathematics by a fifth-grade teacher. The research is naturalistic-descriptive and is based on a case study with non-participant observation. Indicators of didactical suitability of the onto-semiotic approach were used (ecological, mediational and cognitive suitability) were used in this analysis. With respect to ecological suitability, the context used by the teacher was related to the daily experiences of her students and she was aware of many aspects of the curriculum. Regarding mediational suitability, the teacher used a variety of technological and manipulative resources. Finally, in the case of cognitive suitability in the development of the various activities, students’ previous knowledge and their individual differences were taken into account.

Tipo de Registro:Artículo
Términos clave:10. Otras nociones de Educación Matemática > Fenomenología didáctica > Situaciones
10. Otras nociones de Educación Matemática > Fenomenología didáctica > Contextos
11. Educación Matemática y otras disciplinas > Educación Matemática desde otras disciplinas
12. Investigación e innovación en Educación Matemática > Tipos de estudio > Estudio de casos
Nivel Educativo:Educación Primaria (7-12 años)
Código ID:28589
Depositado Por:Monitor Funes 2
Depositado En:16 Jun 2022 09:49
Fecha de Modificación Más Reciente:16 Jun 2022 09:49

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