Ministerio de Educacion

The distributed nature of pattern generalization

Rivera, Ferdinand (2015). The distributed nature of pattern generalization. PNA, 9(3), pp. 165-191 .

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Drawing on a review of recent work conducted in the area of pattern generalization (PG), this paper makes a case for a distributed view of PG, which basically situates processing ability in terms of convergences among several different factors that influence PG. Consequently, the distributed nature leads to different types of PG that depend on the nature of a given PG task and a host of cognitive, sociocultural, classroom-related, and unexplored factors. Individual learners draw on a complex net of parallel choices, where every choice depends on the strength of ongoing training and connections among factors, with some factors appearing to be more predictable than others.

Tipo de Registro:Artículo
Términos Temporales (Editor):Distributed view of pattern generalization processingMathematical structures Mathematical thinking Pattern generalization
Términos clave:06. Aprendizaje > Procesos cognitivos > Generalización
13. Matemáticas escolares > Álgebra
Nivel Educativo:Todos los niveles educativos
Código ID:6438
Depositado Por:Pedro Gómez
Depositado En:24 Feb 2015 15:31
Fecha de Modificación Más Reciente:24 Feb 2015 15:31

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