Hermeneutic-phenomenological study of the teaching practice of polyvalent teachers
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Mometti, Carlos
Studies in Math Education have, in the last twenty years, presented substantial results regarding the teaching methodologies used in elementary education. Thus, considering the context of the training of pedagogue teachers who teach Mathematics, we seek with this paper to present a study carried out with a group of polyvalent teachers about their methodological understandings concerning the teaching of fractions. For that, we used the hermeneutic-phenomenological methodology for data analysis, considering the alectic process as an instrument of extraction and interpretation. As results obtained in this study, we highlight the cultural aspects that stress the methodological choice by the teacher, here named cultural crystallization, as well as the gap between the mathematical concept of fraction and the methodological choice for its teaching. In addition to the results obtained through the hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis, the present paper brings possibilities and limitations regarding its use in research in Math Education.
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Términos clave
Comprensión | Historia de la Educación Matemática | Inicial | Otro (fenomenología) | Tipos de metodología
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