The order of Jesuits and the discussions on the mathematcs presence in the ratio studiorum
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Britto, Silvio Luiz Martins y Bayer, Arno
The teaching of Mathematics in the Ratio Studiorum is the focus of the research that lends support to the discussion of this article. It is a qualitative investigation, based on the Thompsonian concept of Depth Hermeneutics. The Ratio Studiorum is a set of norms that have as objective to unify the pedagogical procedures from Jesuits, that is, a pedagogical method and educational ideology of the organization of studies of the schools and universities of the Order. The Society of Jesus was founded by Inácio de Loyola in 1534 for missionary purposes and total obedience to the Pope. Soon after the first years, the Order focused its actions on education, becoming its main apostolate. As for the proposed curriculum, in the final writing, the Ratio had no Mathematics in the Lower Studies, being the focus the literary and humanistic formation. In higher studies, we find Mathematics along with other philosophical disciplines, focusing on the formation of philosophers. In the organization of the curriculum, Mathematics is considered as an auxiliary resource for the teaching of other disciplines, such as Physics, Geography and Astronomy. After the restoration of the Order, in 1814, the sciences and, among them, Mathematics began to be prioritized. This is evidenced in the new version of Ratio, when these disciplines gain prominence due to the scientific advance of that time.
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Términos clave
Desarrollo | Desde disciplinas académicas | Historia de la Educación Matemática | Legislación educativa | Política educativa
Nivel educativo
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