Mathematical models and meanings by school and university students in a modelling task
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Carreira, Susana, Baioa, Ana Margarida y Werle, Lourdes Maria
This study involves two classes from different educational levels, namely 9th grade and university. Students in both contexts were given a modelling task that required the development of a hand biometrics recognition system, during which they performed experimentation and simulation. As aims of the study, we look for distinctions and commonalities between the models developed in the two classes and seek to know how simulation and experimentation influence students’ production of meaning. The theoretical framework comprises the relationship between the modelling process and the prototyping process and adopts Peirce’s pragmatic perspective on meaning. The research is of a qualitative nature, assuming the characteristics of a case study. The results reveal many commonalities between the modelling in the two contexts. Moreover, experimentation and simulation were relevant elements for the production of meaning by the students, which is endorsed by a pragmatic perspective on meaning.
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Términos clave
Estudio de casos | Modelización | Semiótica | Tareas | Usos o significados
Nivel educativo
Educación secundaria básica (12 a 16 años) | Educación superior, formación de pregrado, formación de grado
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