Describing researchers’ ways of seeing a lesson: as the first work of the cross-cultural study on lesson study between Japan and Thailand
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Mizoguchi, Tatsuya, Inprasitha, Maitree, Changsri, Narumon y Shinno, Yusuke
This research is the first work of the project of cross-cultural study on lesson study between Japan and Thailand. Lesson study is currently an international topic, and we use “lesson study” as a common word. However, are the meanings of each terminology in diverse languages as same completely? Our initial concern is in this point. For this, we observe lesson on video and make comment-reports on it in each. In analyzing these comments, it is required a meta theory for descriptions. In this research, we describe the researchers ways of seeing a lesson using the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic [ATD or TAD in French and Spanish]. In conclusion, we discuss similarities and discrepancies between researchers’ comments of both countries in terms of a) praxis and logos blocks, b) mathematical and didactic organization, and c) the perspective of scale of levels of didactic co-determinacy [LDC].
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Términos clave
Culturales | Otra (fuentes) | Otro (fenomenología) | Otro (fundamentos) | Usos o significados
Nivel educativo
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