On study and research responsibilities: a case in Japanese upper secondary school
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Hakamata, Ryoto y Otaki, Koji
This presentation aims to identify some students’ roles on a study and research path conducted in a Japanese upper secondary high school. Especially, we focus on responsibilities for questioning and answering in their inquiry. For this purpose, we describe the students’ inquiry using the tree diagram of questions Q and answers A. Then, we analyze what kind of students’ roles emerged in their activity and discuss why that responsibilities could appear. As a result, we identify two interesting points of their study and research responsibilities: 1) On producing an initial question; 2) On producing temporary answers.
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Términos clave
Continua | Otro (fundamentos) | Otro (investigación) | Pruebas
Nivel educativo
Educación secundaria básica (12 a 16 años) | Educación superior, formación de pregrado, formación de grado
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