Training in-service teachers: study of questions and the organization of teaching
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Otero, María Rita, Llanos, Viviana Carolina y Parra, Verónica
We analyse the study and research carried out by N = 31 teachers in service during an on-line course in Didactics of Mathematics, about a question that could generate a Study and research path (SRP). The teachers studied the question individually and in groups. Then, they had to organize a possible teaching, adapted to an institution well known to them .The written texts produced by the teachers are analysed by means of two types of techniques: one qualitative and one based on lexicometric statistical methods. In the long term, the aim of this research is to understand the potential and difficulties of in-service teachers to organize teaching based on questions.
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Términos clave
Continua | Desarrollo del profesor | Gestión de aula | Métodos estadísticos | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
Nivel educativo
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