New fundamentals of mathematics for schools
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D'Ambrosio, Ubiratan
If we look at the educational system as a whole, Mathematics is domineering subject. Together with reading and writing, it constitutes the spine of a system aimed at providing equal opportunity for all and ate the same time to prepare the cadres for the advancement and betterment of the socio-economic and political framework of society. The so called ‘‘threer’s’’ have dominated school scenery for decades. Is this to be maintained?
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Términos clave
Aspectos socioeconómicos | Documentos curriculares | Historia de la Educación Matemática | Sociopolíticos
Nivel educativo
Educación media, bachillerato, secundaria superior (16 a 18 años) | Educación primaria, escuela elemental (6 a 12 años) | Educación secundaria básica (12 a 16 años)
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