Benefits and challenges of collaborative work in the teaching of mathematics in the pedagogical residency program
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Castro, Irene, Vilhena, Paulo y Ruiz, Cristiane
As is pointed out in the literature, collaboration between teachers and other members of the school community not only enhances the teacher's education, but also leads to better student learning. However, it is not always easy to work in partnership, because this requires constant evaluation and the ability to take account of different opinions. For this reason, this study involves an investigation of the benefits and challenges of collaborative work, carried out by the Faculty of Mathematics at the Federal University of Pará, within the scope of the Pedagogical Residency Program, and under the supervision of a preceptor and three residents. Our methodology entailed conducting semi-structured interviews and the results of our analysis showed that the Pedagogical Residency was a means of providing new ideas for the teaching activities of the field schools. It also revealed that the different players involved had difficulty in understanding their roles, when dealing with a new project that is carried out in Brazil.
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Asociaciones | Gestión y organización | Inicial | Otro (fundamentos) | Tipos de evaluación
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