The use of tinkerplots features: a study with brazilian students
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Lira, Olga, Monteiro, Carlos y Anley, Janet
The introduction of computers in schools does not guarantee the improvement of the teaching of Mathematics and Statistics, because it is necessary to consider pedagogical approaches and the software used. In this article we discuss a study that examined the interpretation of data amongst 12 students from Year 7 of elementary school who are familiar with computing environments. In pairs, the participants used the TinkerPlots software tools: Cards, Table, and Plot. Research data was collected in four sessions, via video recordings using Camtasia Studio, and field notes during the work of students. By using software tools, students organized data so as to obtain various forms of graphical representations to develop data interpretation. This enabled the students to approach the data in an active way, making interpretations that considered various aspects of relations between data.
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Términos clave
Gráfica | Otro (estadística) | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza | Software
Nivel educativo
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Rango páginas (artículo)
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