Proving abstract algebra skills with problem-based learning integrated with videos and worksheets
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Mairing, Jackson Pasini
Previous research showed students faced difficulties in solving the given problems in the abstract algebra course. The research aimed to describe the effect of the method of problem-based learning integrated with videos and worksheets to improve the proving skills of mathematics education students in one of the universities in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The researcher developed and uploaded the videos on YouTube. The research design was an experimental study. The researcher implemented the method in an experimental class. The control class students learned by using the usual method of the past three years that emphasized acquiring the abstract algebra concepts. The researcher selected the experimental class randomly. The numbers of students in the experimental and control classes were 32 and 28, respectively. The students of both classes solved the same problems in the post-test at end of the implementation. The post-test contained five problems to prove. The research results showed that the transactive reasoning activities in the experimental class enabled the students to prove at an appropriate abstraction level. The students’ scores in the abstract algebra for the experimental class were greater than those in the control class. Therefore, the method affected students’ ability to solve abstract algebra problems.
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Términos clave
Álgebra | Gestión de aula | Medios audiovisuales | Otro (tipos estudio) | Resolución de problemas
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