Strategies and procedures in literacy cycle children in problem situations involving information processing
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da-Silva, João Alberto, Jelinek, Karin Ritter y Beck, Vinícius Carvalho
In this article, we report on a study of the axis of “Provinha Brasil de Matemática” content with respect to the math axis of information processing. The aim is to present key strategies and procedures based on the Theory of Conceptual Fields for use by children during the literacy cycle to resolve situation-problems related to this content block. Information processing relates to the reading and organization of data as well as the different presentations of reading in everyday life, especially with respect to graphs and tables. The methodological design is sustained in qualitative studies of researchaction in schools.The information processing axis is a block of content with great potential for the development of mathematical thinking, as the children must focus on the proposed situation-problem and use their skills to read and interpret data. We note that the ability to read information presented in tables, charts and other textual carriers is rarely addressed in the context of the classroom; thus, the student’s use of procedures and strategies is very rudimentary or is used for other mathematical content.
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Términos clave
Contenido | Contextos o situaciones | Desde disciplinas académicas | Estrategias de solución
Nivel educativo
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