Reflecting on ethnomathematics as pedagogical action in the mathematics curriculum
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Orey, Daniel Clark y Rosa, Milton
The history of research in ethnomathematics has been dominated by the study of the fundamental differences in ways of doing mathematics among various cultures. Understanding these differences allows students and teachers to connect culture and mathematics by providing a transformational and holistic environment in which diversity is seen as good, valuable, and necessary to living in a contemporary world. The use of mathematics in everyday life varies according to each different culture and its needs. Ethnomathematics, which is the study of mathematics within its diverse cultural contexts, is used to express relationships between culture and mathematics. Thus, ethnomathematics is primarily concerned with connections that exist between the symbols, representations, and the imagery used to solve problems. The development of ethnomathematics as a program has challenged traditional concepts of Euro-Western centered mono-representational systems of mathematics transforming it into a multirepresentational system that represents mathematics as human endeavor. Hence, an ethnomathematics-based curriculum is grounded in the incorporation of mathematical ideas and activity that echo a diversity of cultures, particularly, those that experienced oppression or exclusion from society. Ethnomathematics is a pedagogical action that starts with teachers and students who learn to think flexibly about how they use mathematics in everyday and academic contexts.
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Desarrollo | Desde disciplinas académicas | Diseño | Etnomatemática | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
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