Ethnomathematics and cultural representations: teaching in highly diverse contexts
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Orey, Daniel Clark y Rosa, Milton
A great deal of the history of research in ethnomathematics has been dominated by the study of fundamental differences in ways of doing mathematics among various cultures. Understanding these differences is critical for the comprehension of human nature, and learning in relation to problem resolution. Using ethnomathematics as a program for the understanding of this fact, this article discusses how the study of different algorithms can contribute toward the incorporation, learning and celebration of the differences between diverse cultural groups. Ethnomathematics provides a basis for acknowledging the structures in diverse and often highly dynamic societies that are part of the dominant or majority community power structure. It also teaches learners to connect culture and mathematics and enriches this subject matter by understanding and bridging the often perceived dichotomy between academic mathematics and daily life. An ethnomathematics perspective provides a transformational space for students and teachers, and allows them to think of diversity as good, valuable, and necessary to living in a globalized interconnected world. Through a study of the algorithms immigrant students bring to the community, both teachers and students learn that culture influences the development of these methods, which are used to solve mathematical problems.
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Términos clave
Estrategias de solución | Etnomatemática | Otro (fundamentos)
Nivel educativo
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