Windows into elementary mathematics: alternate public images of mathematics and mathematicians
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Gadanidis, George y Scucuglia, Ricardo
Research on students’ (and teachers’) images of mathematics and mathematicians reveals a number of stereotypical images, most of which are negative. In this paper we present an overview of some these images and stereotypes and consider the questions: (1) how might the image of mathematics and mathematicians be a problem in mathematics education, and (2) what can be done to remedy the situation? Also, we consider an outreach project called Windows into Elementary Mathematics. In this project mathematicians are interviewed about their perspectives on elementary mathematics topics and their interviews are videotaped and are posted online, along with supporting images and interactive content. In this context we consider the questions: (3) what is the Windows project about, and (4) how might it offer an alternate (and perhaps better) image of mathematics and mathematicians? Lastly, we share an example where activities from the project were used in a math-for-teachers course.
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