Perception of professors who teach statistics in higher education in brazil towards statistical teaching
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Oliveira, Ailton Paulo de y Araújo, Fausto José Caetano
This study aims to identify the perception of three hundred and thirty-four teachers who teach statistical content in undergraduate courses in Brazil according to their area of action, considering the following aspects: how statistical knowledge is acquired, how the statistical content is worked in the classroom, and as techniques of memorization are linked to the process of teaching Statistics. Depending on the field of study they teach (Humanities, Exact and Natural Sciences, and Health Sciences) or the type of institution for which they work (Public or Private), they define statistics as a research tool for organizing and analyzing data for decision making and using real problems. They still argue that statistical knowledge is acquired by associating theory with practice with the support of technological tools.
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Contenido | Desarrollo del profesor | Desde disciplinas académicas | Estadística | Tipos de problemas
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