Underlying theories for use of digital technologies in mathematics education
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Abar, Celina y Lavicza, Zsolt
In this paper, we aim to build on conceptual framework to encourage readers to reflect on the educational scenarios of this digital era, especially in relation to Mathematics Education. We will address research that describes challenges to schools and teachers added by the technological environments. Mathematics Education could employ a wide range of technological resources and researches have shown some positive results with their uses. However, the sole access to these resources does not guarantee meaningful learning by students. We consider that distance learning could allow opportunities for lifelong learning and paths for continuing education to promote a renewal in teaching practices. Therefore, it’s important for all teachers to reflect on their competencies to use technologies in their teaching practices. This requires studying and reading about the subject, related theories and papers of which some presented in this paper. We will indicate the theoretical-methodological potentialities in teaching and learning of mathematics in this digital era. We hope that the indications of underlying theories along with the texts can contribute for overcoming such challenges.
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Términos clave
A distancia | Computadores | Desarrollo del profesor | Gestión de aula | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
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