Landscapes of investigation and scientific initiation: possibilities in civilizatory equation
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Civieiro, Paula Andrea Grawieski y Oliveira, Fátima Peres Zago de
Backgroud: Society today presents a civilizatory equation, which comprises the complex relationship between what is technical and what is human and, therefore, the study of contemporary variables is central to the interpretation of this reality. Objectives: Answer the questions: Does Scientific Initiation (SI) approximate in the concerns of critical mathematics education (CME)? Does this approach contribute to critical and reflective mathematics teaching? Design: It presents a scenario for research developed from the didactic reflective transposition of a SI project, as well as the purposeful reflections built in the process. The methodological approach was action-research. Setting and Participants: The study was carried out at the Federal Institute Catarinense - Brazil and involved 1st-grade students of Technical Course Integrated to High School. The classes were selected because they were students of the researcher herself. Data collection and analysis: The data were produced throught the teacher-researcher’s notes and the filming of the classes. The analysis was done by comparing the actions/reactions of the students with the theory. Results: The SI transposed into research scenarios provides the investigation of contemporary themes that are close to EMC, by encouraging questioning, autonomy, decision-making and critical interpretation of reality. Conclusions: With this study, we could perceive a transformation in the mathematics classes to evidence the criticality and understanding of reality. It is evident that landscape of investigation is an excellent strategy for the teaching of mathematics imbricated to the technological and human issues that constitute the complex civilizatory equation.
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Términos clave
Desarrollo del profesor | Desde disciplinas académicas | Entrevistas | Otra (fuentes) | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
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