The statistical reasoning level of Chilean students of pedagogy in mathematics on statistical hypotheses tests
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Marchant, Carolina y Su, Chia-Shih
Background: there is a relationship between a country’s progress and the statistical formation of its citizens, where the statistical reasoning of mathematics teachers is crucial to increase this relationship. Objective: to determine the level of statistical reasoning on hypothesis tests of future Chilean mathematics teachers. Design: the methodology used is a quantitative transectional approach. The solo (structure of the observed learning outcome) taxonomy was used to characterise the pre-service teachers’ level of knowledge of the main concepts of hypothesis testing. Settings and participants: Chilean students from v to viii level of pedagogy in mathematics who passed the statistics subjects of the formative itinerary, subjects that include the topic of hypothesis testing. Data collection and analysis: through a consecutive non-probabilistic sampling and an instrument previously validated by expert judges, a sample made up of 29 of 43 pre-service teachers was analysed, obtaining a representation of 67% of the target population. Result: there was enough evidence to affirm that the per-service teachers’ statistical reasoning is in prestructural and unistructural levels of the solo taxonomy regarding their knowledge of the statistical hypothesis tests. Conclusion: it is necessary to correct this situation by means of remedial tools before those students graduate and begin teaching.
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Términos clave
Estadística | Inicial | Instrumentos | Otro (estadística) | Razonamiento
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