The Influence of NeoTrie VR’s Immersive Virtual Reality on the Teaching and Learning of Geometry
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Rodríguez, José Luis, Romero, Isabel y Codina, Antonio
The use of dynamic, three-dimensional software with virtual reality offers new possibilities for the teaching and learning of geometry. We explore the effects of introducing the immersive virtual reality software NeoTrie VR in real classes. Within a Design Research framework, we present qualitative observational data to report how the collaboration among a software development company, university researchers, and schools produces improvements in the design and updating of the software; the geometrical content, representations, and mathematical activity that students have access to as well as the way teachers conceive and manage the teaching of geometry.
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Términos clave
Comprensión | Computadores | Geometría | Modelización | Software | Tridimensional | Visualización
Nivel educativo
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AEI/FEDER grant MTM2016-76453-C2-2-P, FEDER- Junta de Andalucía grant UAL2020-SEJ-B2086 | Junta de Andalucía research group HUM886 | Ministry of Science and Innovation grant PID2020-117971GB-C22