Analysis of self-regulated learning at each level of mathematical creative thinking skill
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Dwijanto | Kartono | Munahefi, Detalia Noriza | Waluya, Budi
Lista de autores
Munahefi, Detalia Noriza, Kartono, Waluya, Budi y Dwijanto
Most individuals do not understand creative mathematical thinking only as a cognitive factor, whereas creative mathematical thinking plays a role in affective factors. Self-regulated learning is considered an affective factor that influences mathematical creative thinking skill. The purpose of this study determines the effect of SRL on mathematical creative thinking skill and analyzes in detail the components of SRL at each level of creative mathematical thinking. This study uses an explanatory sequential combination research design. The study population was high school students at SMAN 3 Klaten. The sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling. The research sample measured mathematical creative thinking ability ( Y ) as a dependent variable, and SRL consists of three components, namely metacognition ( X1 ), motivation ( X2 ), and behavioristic ( X3 ). At the same time, the research subject selection technique is purposive sampling. The researcher chose to divide students' mathematical creative thinking skills into three levels: high, medium, low, where in each level was selected three research subjects. SRL has a positive effect on the ability to think mathematically creative by 85.4%. Metacognitive has the strongest influence on mathematical creative thinking skills. The SRL component has a role in every aspect of creative mathematical thinking consisting of fluency, flexibility, elaboration, and originality. Therefore, for improving mathematical creative thinking skills, students should be given learning based on SRL.
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Términos clave
Cognición | Métodos estadísticos | Otro (métodos) | Pensamientos matemáticos
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