High abilities or giftedness in integrated high-school education: perceptions of mathematics teachers
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Silva, Thiago da Silva y Geller, Marlise
Background: the identification of the first ability or gifted students at the Federal Institute Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSul), Campus Sapucaia do Sul, raised the need to analyse the mathematics teachers’ perceptions of the subject in the institute, intending to professionalise the attention offered to these students. Objectives: this article sought to present and reflect on how seven mathematics teachers of the integrated high school understand high abilities or giftedness. Design: qualitative approach, participant observation, and interpretive and descriptive data analysis. Setting and participants: this study is part of a doctoral research involving seven mathematics teachers who work in regular classes at a Federal Institute in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. Data collection and analysis: the data were collected through a semi-structured interview, and their analysis was inspired by the descriptive-interpretive analysis. Results: although lacking theoretical depth, mathematics teachers’ perceptions of the concept and characteristics of high abilities or giftedness are close to the theories presented and the current legislation. Conclusions: it is necessary to professionalise the processes of identification and assistance to high- ability/gifted students on campus, which is foreseen in a research project through continuing education.
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Términos clave
Continua | Entrevistas | Formación | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza | Talento matemático
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