Native peoples, science, engineering, mathematics and technology in the construction of dalcas. A vision in STEM design
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Ferrada, Cristian y Teca-Santana, Teresa
The following research seeks to make known, visualize and identify various patterns involved in the historical construction of ships developed by the native peoples of the insular zone of Chile and the presence of the transversal STEM approach in their construction. Through the methodology of content analysis, the way of building ships is described in each of its steps or phases and the tools used for this purpose, highlighting in the story the STEM areas that were most relevant in the construction. The conclusions show the integrated use of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in the various processes necessary to complete the boat called Dalca, highlighting the existence of this work since ancient historical times and showing the full integration in various processes that concluded with the success of floating manufactures.
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Wilfredo, V. Alangui y Owens, Kay
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