A curriculum-based approach to learning trajectories in middle school algebra
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Martínez, Mara, Castro--Superfine, Alison y Stoelinga, Timothy
Our aim is to contribute to the body of research on learning trajectories (LTs) in mathematics by making visible a process for articulating a hypothetical learning trajectory implicit in a widely adopted, reform-based, middle-grades mathematics curriculum. In doing so, we highlight considerations, decisions, and challenges we faced as part of this work. By describing our LT articulation process, our aim is to highlight ways in which curriculum-specific LTs can be articulated to serve as a more proximal and instrumental tool for teachers’ instructional practice. Furthermore, to illustrate we describe how the products of the work were used in practice-based professional learning experiences with middle-grades mathematics teachers.
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Desarrollo | Documentos curriculares | Gestión de aula | Otro (álgebra) | Otro (enfoques)
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