Learning reported by three teachers and the teaching of algebra in the first grades
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Baldan-da-Silva, Daniela, Ribeiro, Alessandro Jacques y Aguiar, Márcia
In this paper, our aim is to understand how teachers perceive their professional learning in an in-service teacher education process, as well as the way they related this learning to their teaching practices regarding algebraic thinking in the first grades of elementary school. It is a qualitative-interpretative study, whose data were analyzed considering the Grounded Theory. The results indicate signs of professional learning identified in teaching practice were a glimpse of possibilities to approach algebraic thinking in first grades; changing the planning for students to select and develop mathematical tasks; adopting new methodological strategies with elements of the exploratory teaching approach.
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Términos clave
Álgebra | Formación | Otro (tipos estudio) | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
Nivel educativo
Educación primaria, escuela elemental (6 a 12 años) | Educación superior, formación de pregrado, formación de grado
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