Digital technologies in mathematics curricula and professional practices of brazilian and portuguese teachers
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Dias, Marcelo de Oliveira
This article intends to try to understand the curriculum acts of two Mathematics teachers of Basic Education from public schools in the District of Lisbon in Portugal and two teachers from the Municipal network of the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil about the use of digital technologies from recent curriculum reforms in countries. The case study has a qualitative methodological bias and analyzes of the discourses of these teachers were carried out, which showed the dynamics of digital technologies in the approach to interdisciplinarity through curriculum flexibility in contexts of mathematical and non-mathematical practices. The dissonance between the teachers' curriculum acts, Mathematics Education and the current curriculum proposals in the countries emerged, as well as the need to expand studies and research in the scope of Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking, so that practices are promoted that develop students' autonomy and creative process.
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Términos clave
Computadores | Diseño | Documentos curriculares | Gestión de aula | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
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