Difficulties to semantically congruent translation of verbally and symbolically represented algebraic statements
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Castro, Encarnación, Cañadas, María C., Molina, Marta y Rodríguez-Domingo, Susana
This paper describes the difficulties faced by a group of middle school students (13- to 15-year-olds) attempting to translate algebraic statements written in verbal language into symbolic language and vice-versa. The data used were drawn from their replies to a written quiz and semi-structured interviews. In the former students were confronted with a series of algebraic statements and asked to choose the sole translation, of four proposed for each, that was semantically congruent with the original. The results show that most of the errors detected were due to arithmetic issues, especially around the distinction between product and exponent or sum and product in connection with the notions of perimeter and area. As a rule, the error distribution by type varied depending on the type of task involved.
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