Didactical knowledge development of pre-service secondary mathematics teachers
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Gómez, Pedro y Rico, Luis
We present the results of a study on the didactical knowledge development of pre-service secondary mathematics teachers participating in a methods course. In this course, we expected pre-service teachers to learn and use a series of conceptual and methodological tools that could help them in the design of didactical units. We coded and analyzed the information contained in the transparencies used by the teachers while presenting their solution to a series of tasks proposed in the course. Four stages of didactical knowledge development were identified and characterized. The evolution in teachersÕ performance over time is described based on those stages.
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Nivel educativo
Educación media, bachillerato, secundaria superior (16 a 18 años) | Educación secundaria básica (12 a 16 años) | Educación técnica, educación vocacional, formación profesional
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Título libro actas
28th Conference oh the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
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