Roger Apéry: un matemático muy radical
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Arguedas, Vernor
En este artículo presentamos algunos aspectos de la vida de Roger Apéry, algunos datos biográficos, incluyendo su compromiso político sin dejar de lado sus intereses matemáticos y su papel fundamental en la matemática constructiva.
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Términos clave
Álgebra | Evolución histórica de conceptos | Historia de la Educación Matemática
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[1] Lipton, Regan People,Problems and Proofs. Springer-Verlag, 2013 [2] Michel Mendès-France. "Roger Apéry et l’irrationel". La Recherche, #97, pp. 170-172, February 1979. [3] Frits Beukers (2003). "Consequences of Apéry’s work on z(3)". nl/~beuke106/caen.pdf [4] Pierre Ageron. "La philosophie mathématique de Roger Apéry. Philosophia Scientae, 2005 http: // [5] François Apéry. "Roger Apéry, 1916-1994: A Radical Mathematician" The Mathematical Intelligencer, vol. 18, 2 (1996) pp 54-61. [6] A. van der Poorten (1978). "A Proof that Euler Missed" Journées Arithmétiques de Marseille- Luminy, June. [7] R. Apéry. "Mathématique constructive". Collect. Points Sér. Sci.29 (Seuil, Paris, 1982), 58-72. [8] R. Apéry. "Les mathématiques sont-elles une théorie pure?". Dialectica6 (1952), 309-310. [9] R. Apéry. "Le rôle de l’intuition en mathématiques". In Congrès International de Philosophie des Sciences, Paris, 1949III (Hermann & Cie., Paris, 1951), 85-88. [10] R. Apéry "Axiomes et postulats". In Library of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam, 11-18 August 1948I (1949), 708-710. [11] T. Apostol. "A proof that Euler missed: evaluating z(2) the easy way". The Mathematical Intelligencer 5 (3) (1983), 59-60. [12] F. Beukers. "Consequences of Apéry’s work on z(3)". Preprint of talk presented at the Rencontres Arithmétiques de Caen, z(3) Irrationnel: Les Retombées, 1995. [13] F. Beukers. "A note on the irrationality of z(2) and z(3)", Bull. London Math. Soc.11 (1979), 268-272. [14] M. Black. "Review: Axiomes et postulats by Roger Apéry". The Journal of Symbolic Logic14 (3) (1949), 183. [15] P. E. Gibbs, "’Crackpots’ Who Were Right II." Prespacetime Journal1 (3) (2010), 489-497. [16] Y. Hellegouarch. "Roger Apéry (1916-1994)". Gaz. Math. No.64 (1995), 82-83. [17] M. Mendés-France. "Roger Apéry et l’irrationnel". La Recherche 97 (February 1979), 170-172. [18] A. van der Poorten (1979). "A proof that Euler missed". The Mathematical Intelligencer1 (4), 195-203. [19] N. A. Carella. "Irrationality of the Zeta Constants". Versión 2016 [20] J.L. Berggren, J. Borwein, P. Borwein. "Pi: A source book". Sringer-Verlag New York,2004 [21] L. Euler. Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite. Book 1. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988-1990, pp. 137-153. (Translated from the Latin by J. D. Blanton) [22] L. Euler. "De summis serierum reciprocarum" Comment. Acad. Sci. Petropolit., 7 (1734/35), (1740) 123-134; Opera omnia, Ser. 1 Bd. 14, 73-86. Leipzig-Berlin, 1924.