Noticing students’ mathematical thinking: characterization, development and contexts
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Fernández, Ceneida, Sánchez-Matamoros, Gloria, Valls, Julia y Callejo, María Luz
We summarize results obtained by the Didactics of Mathematics research group at the University of Alicante on the competence of professional noticing. The research focused on three issues over the Para citar: Fernández, C.; Sánchez-Matamoros, G.; Valls, J. y Callejo, M. L. (2018). Noticing students’ mathematical thinking: Characterization, development and contexts. Avances de Investigación en Educación Matemática, no 13, 39 - 61. last years: (i) characterizing how the skills that make up professional noticing interrelate; (ii) characterizing different degrees of competence development; and (iii) identifying contexts that support this competence development. Main results are described along with future challenges.
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Términos clave
Competencias | Contextos o situaciones | Pensamientos matemáticos | Pruebas
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