Significados pretendidos por el currículo chileno de octavo año básico sobre la noción de función
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Lista de autores
Parra, Yocelyn y Pino-Fan, Luis Roberto
This research analyzes the representativeness of the intended meaning by the Chilean eighth grade curriculum on the notion of function with respect of the holistic meaning reference. To achieve our purpose we reconstructed, through a historicalepistemological review, the holistic meaning of reference and determined the meaning intended by the Chilean eighth grade of curriculum through the revision of the program of study and textbook. For the analysis, we use the theoretical tools from Onto-Semiotic Approach (OSA) of knowledge and mathematical instruction. This study allowed us to evaluate the mathematical richness of meaning intended by the Chilean eighth grade curriculum, in addition to providing information that will properly manage learning when the notion of function is introduced.
Tipo de fecha
Estado publicación
Términos clave
Comprensión | Dificultades | Funciones | Otro (métodos) | Usos o significados
Nivel educativo
Revisado por pares
Formato del archivo
Título libro actas
Editores (actas)
Estrella, Soledad | Goizueta, Manuel | Guerrero, Carolina | Mena, Arturo | Mena, Jaime | Montoya, Elizabeth | Morales, Astrid | Parraguez, Marcela | Ramos, Elizabeth | Vásquez, Patricia | Zakaryan, Diana
Lista de editores (actas)
Estrella, Soledad, Goizueta, Manuel, Guerrero, Carolina, Mena, Arturo, Mena, Jaime, Montoya, Elizabeth, Morales, Astrid, Parraguez, Marcela, Ramos, Elizabeth, Vásquez, Patricia y Zakaryan, Diana
Editorial (actas)
Lugar (actas)
Rango páginas (actas)
ISBN (actas)
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