Taxonomy of key terms for mathematics education
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Castro, Paola y Gómez, Pedro
We present the process of developing a taxonomy of key terms for Mathematics Education. We build on the existing taxonomy of key terms that has been used in an open access document repository. Additionally, we took into account terms that have been established in encyclopedias of the discipline and the frequency of use of keywords in specialized journals that were indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. We made a review of synonymy between these terms and the terms of the existing taxonomy. We included in our proposal the terms that are relevant given their frequency of use in the journals. We removed from the existing taxonomy the terms that are little used in practice. The new taxonomy is organized in six main categories: approach, educational level, foundations of Mathematics Education, research in Mathematics Education, pedagogical notions and mathematical content. This proposal was validated in three phases by researchers, innovators in Mathematics Education, and editors of specialized journals and experts who lead associations and events in the discipline.
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Nivel educativo
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Rango páginas (artículo)
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