The mathematics that secondary teachers (need to) know
Tipo de documento
Aguilar, Manuel | Aragón, Estíbaliz | Araujo, Antonio | Navarro, José
Lista de autores
Aragón, Estíbaliz, Aguilar, Manuel, Navarro, José y Araujo, Antonio
In spite of decades of focused research, the phenomenon of «teachers’ disciplinary knowledge of mathematics» is not yet a well-formulated construct. This lack of deep understanding is troublesome, as uncritical assumptions about and entrenched practices around the mathematics that teachers should know can have major implications for teacher preparation programs, especially at the secondary level.
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Nivel educativo
Educación media, bachillerato, secundaria superior (16 a 18 años) | Educación secundaria básica (12 a 16 años)
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