About the “Mixture” of discourses in the use of mathematics in signal theory
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Hochmuth, Reinhard y Peters, Jana
An important issue for research in university mathematics education is the use of mathematics in engineering. Here we focus on praxeologies in a course on system and signal theory (SST), which represents a typical module in electrical engineering studies in the third or fourth semester. In such courses, mathematics already studied in introductory mathematics courses will be applied, but also enriched by the introduction and development of new practices, in particular the so-called Dirac-impulse. We claim that the introduction and justification of the Dirac-impulse in SST is a convenient case where basic facets of epistemological relations between mathematics and engineering sciences might be illustrated and shown to be important for a detailed description and analysis of logos blocks of praxeologies. The background for our considerations regarding logos blocks of praxeologies that concern the introduction of the Dirac-impulse is given by philosophical studies by Wahsner and Borzeszkowski (1992, 2012) and a few illuminating remarks by Dirac.
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Desde disciplinas académicas | Discurso | Epistemología | Gestión de aula | Historia de la Educación Matemática | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
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