Mathematics and language: perspectives of Wittgenstein’s philosophy for math education
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da-Silveira, Marisa Rosâni Abreu
This text aims to analyze the importance of the emphasis on the use of language in the teaching activities and the learning of mathematics. The Mathematics Education with emphasis on the communication between teacher and student can elucidate the meanings of a mathematical statement. On educational actions, such communication allows the clarification of the mathematical vocabulary, as well the necessity to search in natural language the support for the translation of the mathematical language. The interpretation of mathematical rules that are linked to the contexts where they are inserted, can find many senses, because in the application of mathematics in empirical situations, we do not find the logical necessity that is part of the self-movement of mathematics. In order to choose strategies that enhance the teaching this subject it is important that teachers know the characteristics of mathematics, such as its intra theoretical movement and the consequences of its applications in empyrean. These issues discussed here, are based on the philosophy of Wittgenstein and some of his commentators, as well as in research from mathematics educators that corroborate with this line of research.
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Términos clave
Adición | Desde disciplinas académicas | Interacciones | Numérica | Simbólica
Nivel educativo
Educación primaria, escuela elemental (6 a 12 años) | Educación secundaria básica (12 a 16 años)
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