Where to learn math? A study of access to an educational channel on Youtube
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Cardoso, Valdinei Cezar, Kato, Lilian Akem y de-Oliveira, Samuel Rocha
This article presents the results of a study whose data were collected from 2009 to 2012, about the users of a YouTube channel, aimed at teaching, and at the scientific dissemination of Mathematics. The goal of the study was to understand the reasons why different users consult the channel, as well as the themes looked up by them. The methodological approach adopted was a qualitative interpretative one. The results show that videos related to Linear Algebra are the most popular ones and the number of accesses to the channel increases, especially in periods of school evaluations, indicating that these videos work as support for students to learn or to complement their studies.
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Términos clave
Medios audiovisuales | Métodos estadísticos | Otro (dispositivos) | Otro (marcos)
Nivel educativo
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Formato del archivo
Rango páginas (artículo)
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