A ‘glocal’ lesson study: the case of pedagogical practices in mathematics
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Acevedo, Jenny y Fiorentini, Dario
This article describes and discusses the education process and the professional learning in the prospective teacher education in the Pedagogical Practices in Mathematics course. The course aimed to know and problematize the teaching and learning practices in the school. The activities of the prospective teachers were developed under the Lesson Study methodology. Prospective teachers have developed a ‘glocal’ Lesson Study from the choice of topic -relevant to the school curriculum - along with lesson planning, sharing and discussing the lesson proposals, lesson implementation, lesson analysis, and presentation/discussion of results, culminating in the writing of articles. The process and some results of the implementation of the Lesson Study in a pedagogical discipline of the degree course in mathematics will be highlighted. Finally, the continuous opportunities for teacher learning that the graduates had in this formative experience, in a context of reflective and investigative participation in the practices of teaching and learning mathematics in the school will also be focused. That is, the prospective teachers learned from the moment of the choice of the theme, through the socialization and joint discussion of the planning and the execution of the class, culminating in the systematization of the lived experiences.
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Diseño | Gestión de aula | Inicial | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
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