Rationality is the activity of the most robust imagination (with apologies to Wallace Stevens): João José R. L. de Almeida, Antonio Miguel, Carolina Tamayo, Elizabeth Gomes Souza
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Peters, Michael A.
Michael Peters writes the text “Rationality is the activity of the most robust imagination (with apologies to Wallace Stevens): João José R. L. de Almeida, Antonio Miguel, Carolina Tamayo, Elizabeth Gomes Souza”, in which he reveals that the review by the authors “[...] sparkles like a bright navigation star at night”. That is, Peters presents his admiration for the collective review and affirms his interest in writings of this type. He refers to the Kadiweu indigenous language of Brazil and affirms that it is a real innovation that signals the Wittgensteinian depth and one of the broad consequences of taking his thought to Really. Nevertheless, he is impressed with the writing of the article because, as he says, “[…] it is like a quartet put to music with spontaneous voices, though independent from one another, drawing out some of the consequences of my interpretation of Wittgenstein for decolonial discourse”. Peters’ admiration is revealed as he is impressed by the complexity and cultural artifact that presents itself as something more than a review, expanding the genre and focusing the content on important pedagogical issues between internal agreements and disagreements. Peters, then, dialogues with the four authors to discuss the criticisms presented.
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Términos clave
Libros de texto | Otro (fundamentos) | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
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Rango páginas (artículo)
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