Do pre-service elementary school teachers still have mathematics anxiety? some factors and correlates
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Çatlıoğlu, Hakan, Gürbüz, Ramazan y Birgin, Osman
This study aims to provide new evidence from Turkish pre-service elementary school (PES) teachers and to identify some correlations and factors associated with mathematics anxiety (MA). 480 Turkish PES teachers participated in this study. Data was collected using a personal information form, mathematics anxiety scale, and mathematics attitude scale. Data was analyzed using the SPSS 17.0 statistics program. It was revealed that the MA level of the participants was low, and the difference based on gender was not significant. Cross-sectional comparison indicated that freshmen were more inclined to have MA than the seniors. Based on self-reported perceptions, we found that there were significant differences related to mathematics. There was a tendency for participants with negative attitudes towards mathematics and low achievers to possess higher levels of MA. It was also found that there was a significant correlation among mathematics anxiety, mathematics achievement, and mathematics attitudes. This study will provide some guidance for the revision of course requirements and teaching strategies, and promotes collaboration between mathematics educators and counselors.
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