Mathematical modelling and didactic moments
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Sodré, Gleison de Jesus Marinho
Background: from the perspective of mathematics education, an important issue addressed vehemently in international conferences on mathematical modelling teaching, regardless of the theoretical current adopted on the concept, is how we can teach modelling? Objective: to highlight the didactic moments announced by the anthropological theory of the didactic in the process of studying problems in concrete contexts in mathematical modelling. Design: a study and research path was conducted based on theoretical and methodological tools of the anthropological theory of the didactic. Settings and participants: preservice teachers of a degree course of a public institution, who had to solve a problem of application in savings. Data collection and analysis: from an empirical excerpt of a study developed by Sodré (2019) with preservice teachers. Results: the elements found in the empirical research confirm the hypothesis that regardless of the path taken in the modelling process, one or more didactic moments is/are performed. Conclusions: ultimately, the study of problems in concrete contexts, besides highlighting the encounter of teachers with different didactic moments, revealed the remarkable dependence between mathematical and nonmathematical know-how that stimulates us to further investigations.
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Términos clave
Contextos o situaciones | Gestión de aula | Modelización | Otro (fenomenología) | Planteamiento de problemas
Nivel educativo
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