The strange case of the fourth-and-a-half floor: the way 3rd-6th-graders cope with the solution of a real-world problem
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Gazit, Avikam
Does mathematics aim to develop logical thinking and find original and interesting relations in its various structures, or to serve as an auxiliary aid for solving problems in areas of science, society and daily life? One could say that the debate is senseless since mathematics is designed for both goals. However, teaching it in elementary school does not take the authentic daily component very seriously, in spite of the curriculum statement of intents. The present study investigated how 3rd-6th-grades solve a real-world problem about the middle floor in a 9-floor building and relate to the result their obtained. The highest success percentage was at the 4th-grade and the lowest at the 6th-grade. Nevertheless, the most interesting finding of the study was the pupils' reference to the illogical and unrealistic answer: the fourth-and-a half floor, being the result of 9:2. About half of the 6th-graders and about one third of the 5th-graders gave such answer without any word of criticism about the obtained number. Only about 13%-15% of the 3rd-4th grade pupils gave such an answer. An inevitable conclusion is that the higher the elementary school age group is, the more the learnt mathematics detaches pupils from reality. The pupils do not use logical considerations, solving problems mechanically, without critical reflection. It is recommended dedicating a considerable part of mathematics lessons at elementary school to the solution of real-world day-by-day problems and to processes of reflection about the received answers.
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Términos clave
Contextos o situaciones | Estrategias de solución | Lógica matemática | Pensamientos matemáticos | Sociopolíticos
Nivel educativo
Educación primaria, escuela elemental (6 a 12 años) | Educación secundaria básica (12 a 16 años)
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