Ethnomathematics: the cultural aspects of mathematics
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Rosa, Milton y Orey, Daniel
Ethnomathematics studies the cultural aspects of mathematics. It presents mathematical concepts of the school curriculum in a way in which these concepts are related to the students’ cultural and daily experiences, thereby enhancing their abilities to elaborate meaningful connections and deepening their understanding of mathematics. Ethnomathematical approaches to mathematics curriculum are intended to make school mathematics more relevant and meaningful for students and to promote the overall quality of their education. In this context, the implementation of an ethnomathematical perspective in the school mathematics curriculum helps to develop students’ intellectual, social, emotional, and political learning by using their own unique cultural referents to impart their knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This kind of curriculum provides ways for students to maintain their identity while succeeding academically.
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Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática: Perspectivas Socioculturales de la Educación Matemática
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