Trends in learning and teaching of geometry: The case of the Geometry and its Applications Meeting
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Castro, Paola, Gómez, Pedro y Cañadas, María C.
We characterize the thematic trends of the Geometry and its Applications Meeting. This meeting is held periodically in Colombia, country in which our study was carried out. We used a taxonomy of key terms specific to mathematics education to code the proceedings of this meeting. The study variables are purpose, educational level, pedagogical notions, and topics. We establish the thematic trends in terms of the values of the variables. We describe their evolution over time and, using a normalization process, we compare the extent to which geometry topics are treated with respect to the other variables. The meeting has disseminated activities and curricular innovations to a lesser extent. The community that attends the meeting is focused on the theoretical development associated with geometry and on higher educational levels. The papers that address pedagogical notions focus on learning and the classroom. The topics with the highest percentage of research are geometry in three dimensions and Euclidean geometry. We suggest that the meeting should promote the dissemination of curricular innovations and give more attention to the notions of teaching, curriculum and assessment in both research and innovations. We perceive the need to address learning and teaching in preschool and primary education.
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Términos clave
Aprendizaje | Asociaciones | Enseñanza | Geometría | Historia de la Educación Matemática
Nivel educativo
Revisado por pares
Formato del archivo
Rango páginas (artículo)
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