Ministerio de Educacion

Mathematical and statistical literacy: an analysis based on PISA results

François, Karen; Monteiro, Carlos; Vanhoof, Stijn (2013). Mathematical and statistical literacy: an analysis based on PISA results. EM TEIA - Revista de Educação Matemática e Tecnológica Iberoamericana, 4(1), pp. 1-16 .

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URL Oficial: https://periodicos.ufpe.br/revistas/emteia/index


In this paper we discuss the distinction between statistical literacy and mathematical literacy. The starting point of this discussion is the fact that within the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) statistical survey items are elaborated only from the mathematical literacy point of view. We first present theoretical elements on the differences between mathematics and statistics, between mathematical and statistical literacy and we elaborate on the growing interest in statistical literacy as a specific competence. Second we present results of an empirical analysis based on the PISA 2003 data. The analysis showed an extremely high correlation between mathematical and statistical literacy. In the conclusion we emphasise the necessity to reveal the notion of statistical literacy within the PISA results.

Tipo de Registro:Artículo
Términos clave:13. Matemáticas escolares > Estadística
12. Investigación e innovación en Educación Matemática > Metodologías > Métodos estadísticos
08. Evaluación > Instrumentos de evaluación
07. Enseñanza > Planificación del profesor > Expectativas de aprendizaje > Competencias
Nivel Educativo:Educación Secundaria Media (17 y 18 años)
Educación Secundaria Básica (13-16 años)
Educación Primaria (7-12 años)
Código ID:31915
Depositado Por:Monitor Funes 1
Depositado En:27 May 2023 22:21
Fecha de Modificación Más Reciente:27 May 2023 22:38

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