Third graders’ strategies and use of relational thinking when solving number sentences
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Lista de autores
Molina, Marta, Castro, Encarnación y Castro, Enrique
Relational thinking is an important element of algebraic thinking which has potential for promoting the integration of arithmetic and algebra in the elementary curriculum and the development of a meaningful learning of arithmetic. Focusing on the context of number sentences, we have analysed the use of relational thinking by a group of third graders. In this paper we describe the various strategies identified in the students' production. The results evidence a great variability in the way of using relational thinking and a variable role of computation in that use.
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Términos clave
Cognición | Investigación acción | Otro (tipos estudio) | Pensamientos matemáticos | Relaciones numéricas
Nivel educativo
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Título libro actas
Editores (actas)
Alatorre, S. | Cortina, J. L. | Figueras, O. | Rojano, T. | Sepúlveda, A.
Lista de editores (actas)
Figueras, O., Cortina, J. L., Alatorre, S., Rojano, T. y Sepúlveda, A.
Editorial (actas)
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Rango páginas (actas)