Semiotic complexity levels and activities related to statistical graphs in Chilean primary education textbooks
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Lista de autores
Díaz-Levicoy, Danilo, Arteaga, Pedro, Batanero, Carmen y Gea, María Magdalena
In this work we analyze the activities proposed and the semiotic complexity levels in the statistical graphs included in two series of Chilean primary education textbooks using content analysis. The most common activities related to these graphs in these textbooks are performing computations, building graphs and using the graphs asexamples. The most common complexity level was level 3 (representing a data distribution). These results also show (with smaller frequency) a varied type of activity and higher semiotic levels with increasing age of students.
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Términos clave
Nivel educativo
Revisado por pares
Formato del archivo
Título libro actas
Editores (actas)
Canavarro, Ana Paula | Carvalho, Carolina | Colaço, Susana | Ferreira, Rosa Tomás | Henriques, Ana | Monteiro, Carlos | Oliveira, Hélia | Ponte, João Pedro
Lista de editores (actas)
Oliveira, Hélia, Henriques, Ana, Canavarro, Ana Paula, Monteiro, Carlos, Carvalho, Carolina, Ponte, João Pedro da, Ferreira, Rosa Tomás y Colaço, Susana
Editorial (actas)
Lugar (actas)
Rango páginas (actas)