Conceito de função matemática explorado de forma dinâmica
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Ferreira, Verônica G. Gomes
Este artigo apresenta um software educacional que une o potencial interativo e de animação do computador para explorar o conceito de função. Resultados de estudos de caso investigando percepções de sub-conceitos de função desenvolvidas por partes de estudantes ao interagirem em micromundos em torno desse software mostram a validade do mesmo para o desenvolvimento de percepções que levam em conta a ideia de variação. O mesmo mostra que os estudantes não só constroem percepções variacionais como também conectam-nas com percepções previamente articuladas em gráficos.
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Términos clave
Computadores | Estudio de casos | Gráfica | Otro (funciones) | Software
Nivel educativo
Revisado por pares
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1. CLEMENT, J. (1985). Misconceptions in Graphing, Proceedings of PME 9, Vol.I, pp.369-75. 2.CONFREY, J.; SMITH, E. & CARROLL, F. (1991a). Function Probe: Academic Version, Department of Education, Cornell University, Ithaca - NY. 3. CONFREY, J.; SMITH, E.; PILIERO, S. & RIZZUTI, J. (1991b) The Use of Contextual Problems and Multi-Representational Software to Teach the Concept of Functions, Final Project Report, Cornel University, NY. 4. GOLDENBERG, E.P. (1988). Mathematics, Metaphors and Human Factors: Mathematical, Technical and 201202 Pedagogical Challenges in the Educational Use of throb Graphical Representation of Functions, The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Vol.7, No.2, pp. 135-73. undo 5. GOLDENBERG, E.P. (1991). The Difference Between Graphing Software and Educational Graphing Software, em W. Zimmermann e S. Cunningham (Eds.) Vizualization in Teaching and Learning Mathematics, MAA Notes 19, pp.77-86. 6. GOLDENBERG, E.P. (1993) Ruminations about dynamic imagery", em NATO Advanced Research do Workshop - Exploiting Mental Imagery with Computers in Mathematics Education, Oxford, Institute of mo Education University of London and The Open Unversity, May 20-25. 7. GOLDENBERG, E.P.; LEWIS, P. & O'KEEFE, J. (1992). Dynamic Representation and the Development of a Process Understanding of Function, em G. Harel e Ed. Dubinsky (Eds.) The Concept of Function - Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy, MAA Notes. 25, pp.235-60. 8. GOMES FERREIRA, V.G. (1997). Exploring Mathematical Functions through Dynamic Microworlds, Tese de Doutorameno, Instituto de Education, Universidade de Londres. 9. HOYLES, C. & NOSS, R. (1987). Seeing what matters: om Developing an understanding of the concept of paralallelogram through a LOGO microworld, Proceedings of PME 11, Vol.II, pp. 17-23.pd 10. MONK, S. (1992). Students' Understanding of a Functi- on Given by a Physical Model, em G. Harel e Ed Dubinsky (Eds.) The Concept of Function Aspects of como Epistemology and Pedagogy, MAA Notes 25, shopp.175-94. 11. MOSCHKOVICH, J. (1992). Students' use of the x-inter- cept: An instance of a transitional conception, Proceedings of PME 16, Vol.II, pp. 128-35. 12. NOSS, R. & HOYLES (1996). Windows on Mathematical Meanings: Learning Cultures and Computers, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston- Londres. 13. PREECE, J. (1983). Graphs are not Straightforward, em T.R.G. Green, S.J. Payne e G.C. van der Veer (Eds.) The Psychology of Computer Use, Academic Press, Londres, pp.41-56. 14. SIERPINSKA, A. (1992). On understanding the notion of function, em G. Harel e Ed Dubinsky (Eds.) The Concept of Function Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy, MAA Notes 25, pp. 25-58. 15. TIERNEY, C.C.; WEINBERG, A.S. & NEMIROVIS-KY, R. (1992). Telling stories about plant growth: Fourth grade students interpret graphs, Proceeding of PME 16, Vol.III, pp.66-73.